Monday, September 28, 2009

This little a movie deal

Meet Tucker Max.

You may have heard of him, or even met him. Hopefully not.

Recently, the local paper did a cover story on him, calling him the “most vile man on Earth.” The story made me mad, really mad. It told me all I needed to know about this self-proclaimed a$$hole. It also referred to him as “Pig #1.” So, I decided to take their lead and call him Little Piggy, because, well, he is.

Little Piggy is actually an average-looking guy (and average in lots of other ways, he admits) but, for reasons which mystify me (hence the blog), has a ridiculously popular Web site where he chronicles his immature, irresponsible, womanizing behavior (the Tucker Max Stories!) and has done so for several years now.


He has admitted to going to an LP convention to find himself a little person for “novelty” reasons. Gross. He also has brilliantly concocted a scale where he rates women, starting at “common-stock pig” all the way up to the very elite  “super hottie” (you KNOW you’ve made it when!) He goes out of his way to ridicule and humiliate these women, including (and especially) those who may be imperfect (overweight, have a disability, etc.) He has also written a book ( “I hope they serve beer in hell“) that is a NY Times best seller.

Anyways, you get the point. Ick. I want to take a shower after just thinking about this creep.

So, why am I even wasting my time (and yours) writing about this loser who at 33 still drinks himself into oblivion, sleeps with countless women and has built a cult-like following (mostly among frat guys, need I say more…) for doing so? You could say that I’m glorifying him and contributing to the problem by giving him any attention at all. Right-o.

I’m actually a player hater and have never been, nor will I ever be, attracted to this kind of man (knowingly). But, I write about him not for that reason, but really to demonstrate a point, two actually…

1)  People like him are fascinating. The ugly are just as interesting as the beautiful. And in this case, I mean the morally ugly, like Little Piggy. Being that I am in PR, I am probably more fascinated than most about what catches people’s attention. As a marketer, you struggle to do just that. It’s so, so hard, but once you’ve got it, you’re in — for  a little while at least. But, back to Little Piggy. He is certainly no poster child for a PR success, BUT he has made  a name for himself … and money, too. So, for that reason, it is an interesting study of human behavior.

For some reason, people like him are revered in our society. We live in a “I want to look away but can’t” society where we more often than not gravitate towards the inappropriate or morally suspect. Paris Hilton – example #1. Girls Gone Wild phenomenon, example #2. The fact that more people know more about the little tape “McSteamy” and his wife made, than about the health care debate in Washington, example #3. People like Little Piggy are followed, emulated and even rewarded.They get movie deals (his opened this weekend in NY and LA, stop what you are doing!) and book tours and blogs dedicated to them … and they make money doing the college circuit (!!).

If people did not find his stories so interesting, he would just be another creepy loser  trolling the bars, skipping out on tabs, and we’d never know about it. But, he has thousands and thousands (probably millions now, thanks to my blog) of readers and fans (half of whom he swears are women) who follow his every move.

2)  Wow, some women are really stupid. Just who are these women anyways? The ones who meet Little Piggy, or worse, seek him out, knowing who he is? Could they be more of a cliche if they tried? In my book, any woman who willingly associates with this douche bag (emphasis on the word willingly, some may not know) is in the same class as those who seek out serial killers in prison. Daddy issues perhaps? Rebellion? These are the ones that Little Piggy refers to as his “Ho-Grab Bag” (awesome).

I found one woman chosen at random from his Web page (yes, I did go on it, but just for research purposes) to prove my point. This one — I’ll call her White Trash Tattoo Girl — actually sought him out on-line and after, well, “spending time” with him, went so far as to broadcast this fact (a la a tattoo!) and in return earned herself — wait for it… yes, the holy grail in the Little Piggy world — a blog on his page all about her (yay!). Let’s see, she’s a bartender (check). Self-admitted “attachment” issues (check). Abandoned by Dad (check, check). I rest my case.  Show me a smart, successful woman with confidence and I guarantee you they have not hung out with this loser. His pick up lines (cannot be published here, but begin with “do you want to….”) would lead only to a slap or a dirty look, followed by perhaps a drink in the face, though I doubt he is worth the price of my martini.

The last thing I will touch on here before I move on to my daily dose of celebrity gossip followed by some MSNBC (yes, I am a hypocrite, but admit it openly), is the term “fratire” that has been recently coined due to the writings of Little Piggy and others.

It’s a fascinating term I think, though a bit cutesy, kind of like “chick lit.” According to a blog by Little Piggy himself on the Huffington Post, “fratire” is “men writing about being men in an honest and authentic way.” Sad … but true? Men being men. Hmmn. Ok, so, I guess to be honest and authentic, you have to humiliate and defile women? Drink until you black out? Buy a breathalyzer from Sharper Image to keep track of how drunk you are… and write about it?

What a man.

Read more at:

Well, here’s some authentic honesty for you Little Piggy. Where you end up, I hope they don’t serve beer, but rather shots o’ STD washed down with  a “I didn’t know she was your sister!” chaser.

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